Thursday, September 23, 2010


Some say find someone just like you, some say opposites attract. Obviously it's not one or the other. But this is my perspective of my relationship with this man:

I would probably place us largely in the opposites attract category. But I think many people would say that we are very much alike.

Kyle is a lover of sports, he is a super science nerd, he likes things clean on the surface, saves money very well and never procrastinates.

I am a lover of entertainment. I love television, blogs, movies, reading. Mainly these involve sitting on a couch. I was an English Lit major (took the minimum number of science classes), I don't mind things being messy as long as there is order (sometimes this order is an order only I understand...), I spend money really well and procrastinate to the last moment.

Kyle and I both are extremely outgoing, we both have solid testimonies of the gospel, and we both agree on what is important in life.

We want our own family. We have hopes for our children that we were never able to enjoy. We will raise them with the blessings of the gospel without them taking it for granted. Our priorities match.

Our differences strengthen us. Sure we can get on each others nerves (when he cleans I can never find anything I need and when I do find something it is in the oddest place). I slow him down and help him rest. He picks me up and gets me going when I am feeling lazy (ok so I am a lot better at getting him to rest than him getting me to run...).

Our relationship is symbiotic. We have a mutual love and it is used to strengthen one another. Its wonderful really.

I am a lucky girl.

Are your relationships symbiotic? How so? What does your guy or girl get you to do?

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